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Printing Overview
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Public Law Student Printing
As a student, you can print from your personal laptops to public printers at the Law School from the wired or Wi-Fi networks. To use these printers, you are required to install a print client to verify your account status. All print clients can be downloaded from the Law School IT website at: You have access to your print account from the web while using the Law School wired or Wi-Fi network. CHICAGOLAW credentials are used to gain access to the web interface at: All students are given a $156.00 credit per academic year.
Print Job Cost:
- $0.13 per printed side when printing on 8½ x 11-inch paper to a B/W printer
- $0.18 per printed side when printing on 8½ x 11-inch paper to the color printer
- $0.26 per printed side when printing on 11 x 17-inch paper to a B/W printer
- $0.36 per printed side when printing on 11 x 17-inch paper to the color printer
** Duplex print jobs count as two sheets**
** Pricing subject to change without notice**
Printer Location:
- B/W printers are on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th floors in the Library, in the center area of each floor
- Color printer is on the 3rd floor inside the Computer Lab
If you run out of credit at any time, any subsequent print jobs to the public printers will be automatically denied and deleted.
Students, Journal Members, and Research Assistants may install one or all of the printers they are allowed to access on your personal laptops.
Print Cards
The Pre-Paid Print Card system allows you to purchase print cards from two locations at the law school in case your print quota is exhausted. You will be able to redeem the cards while using the web printing interface. It is your responsibility to manage your own print account. Other print options are available in the event printing is denied due to quota issues. Visit for more information. Pre-Paid print cards should be purchased only when your print quota is getting low. Pre-paid print cards can be purchased from the Library Circulation Desk or the Law School Copy Center.
Print cards purchased during the course of any academic year are valid only until the end of that academic year. Print cards will expire and will not be valid after July 31 of any single academic year.
Print cards are NON-REFUNDABLE
- Once a print card is purchased, it is not refundable even if it is not used. Purchase only the amount you need to ensure printer privileges are not automatically denied when your page quota reaches zero.
Print cards are NON-TRANSFERABLE
- When a print card is purchased and the code is entered/redeemed, the entire amount of the pre-paid card is added to your account. Paid balance CANNOT be transferred between student accounts.
Print cards are NON-NEGOTIABLE
- Pre-paid print cards can be used EXCLUSIVELY with the CHICAGOLAW Print system only for the purpose of adding credit to a printing account. Pre-paid print cards have no cash value and cannot be used in any other function.
Any positive quota balance, whether part of the original printing credit OR the result of adding a pre-paid print card, will EXPIRE on July 31 of any academic year. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS will be issued for any positive print quota balance remaining at the end of any academic year.
Printing Errors
If you have an issue printing that involves a print job you can request a refund at: (uses CHICAGOLAW username).
Bloomberg, LexisNexis, & Westlaw Printing
Documents printed from these services to the Law School printers will be charged to your printing credit.
Law Journals Printing
Current Journal Members of Law Review, CJIL, or Legal Forum are entitled to print to their journal’s printers without affecting their personal printing credit. Journal Members have additional printers available for their use from any journal computer. Printer availability will vary depending on the journal membership of a computer being used. Student should use the journal printers for any print jobs associated with journal tasks. Journal Members may print to their journal printers from their personal laptops. Special printer names marked with the prefix JRN_ are available for Journal Members. The JRN_ print queues are available only from a student’s personal laptop and correspond to the same physical device as the non-prefix printer name.
lawrev_prntr_01 |
This is the regular printer name of the journal printer available only to LawReview members from all LawReview Journal computers. |
JRN_lawrev_prntr_01 |
This printer name would be available only to current LawReview members from their personal laptops. While the name is different, it is the same physical printer as lawrev_prntr_01. |
Any print jobs submitted to a printer with the JRN_ prefix WILL NOT count towards a student’s personal print quota. It is the Journal Member’s responsibility to use the journal printers when sending print jobs associated with their journal assignments. Personal printing should be submitted to public printer queues and will be billed at the regular rate. NO REFUNDS will be given if Journal Members use incorrect printer queues for Journal print jobs and have their personal quotas charged. Student Journal Coordinator’s may audit the use of the JRN_ printer usage to ensure that print jobs submitted to these print queues are part of a Journal assignment. Journal Membership status is evaluated periodically to ensure only current Journal Members have access to the JRN_ printers. The journal printers that have the JRN_ option enabled are listed below in the Journals section of the Law School Printers part of this guide. To successfully use any of these printers, a student must be a current member of the Journal organization indicated next to each printer name. Please note that when a student’s journal association ends, any print jobs submitted to the JRN_ printers will be denied and automatically deleted.
Law Research Assistant Printing
Current Research Assistants are entitled to print to the public student printers without affecting their personal printing credit. This is done to prevent RAs being charged for printing as part of their RA assignments when such print jobs are submitted to the public printers. Research Assistants have additional print queues available for their use from any public computer. These printers are marked with the prefix RA_ and correspond to the same physical printers as normally used by all students.
3rd_prntr_pub01 |
This is the regular printer name for a public printer located in the Computer Lab. |
RA_3rd_prntr_pub01 |
This printer name would be available only to current RAs. While the name is different, it is thesame physical printer as 3rd_prntr_pub01. |
Any print jobs submitted to a printer with the RA_ prefix WILL NOT count towards a student’s print quota. It is the Research Assistants responsibility to use the RA_ printers when sending print jobs associated with their RA assignment. Personal printing should be submitted to regular printer queues and will be billed at the regular rate. NO REFUNDS will be given if RAs use incorrect printer queues for RA print jobs and have their personal print quotas charged. RA Advisors/Faculty may audit the use of the RA_ printer usage to ensure that print jobs submitted to these print queues are a part of the RAs current assignment. RA status is evaluated periodically to ensure only current research assistants have access to the RA_ printers. The printers that have the RA_ option enabled are listed below in the Research Assistant section of the Law School Printers part of this guide. These printers are added to an RA’s profile automatically when using any of the Law Schools CHICAGOLAW public computers. RAs are not allowed to print to the main faculty/staff printers. RAs should use the “RA_” printers. Please note that when your RA assignment ends, any print jobs submitted to the RA_ printers will be denied and automatically deleted.
Law Clinic Student Printing
Clinic Students are entitled to print to the three public clinic printers without affecting their personal quota. Clinic Students may print to three public clinic printers from their personal laptops. Any print jobs submitted to a printer with the clk_ prefix WILL NOT count towards a student’s personal print quota. It is the Clinic Clerk’s responsibility to use the clinic printers when sending print jobs associated with their clinic clerk tasks. Personal printing should be submitted to public printer queues and will be billed at the regular rate. NO REFUNDS will be given if Clinic Students use incorrect printer queues for clinic print jobs and have their personal quotas charged. Clinic Coordinators may audit the use of the clk_printer usage to ensure that print jobs submitted to these print queues are part of a clinic clerk assignments. Clinic Student Membership status is evaluated periodically to ensure only current Clinic Students have access to the clk_printers. The three clinic printers that can be used by Clinic Students are listed below in the Clinic Student section of the Law School Printers part of this guide. To successfully use any of these printers, a student must be a current member of the Clinic Project Group. Please note that when a clinic student’s association ends, any print jobs submitted to the clk_printers will be denied and automatically deleted.
Install Print Client: PaperCut
The print client software must be installed and actively running for print jobs to be successful to any of the Law School’s printers. Print jobs submitted to these printers without the print client being installed or actively running will not print and will be deleted. The print client requires the use of your CHICAGOLAW credentials. These are the same credentials used to access the 3rd floor computers. If you do not know your CHICAGOLAW credentials, please contact the HelpDesk at Your personal print account ( can be accessed from a web browser while you are connected to the Law School’s wired or Wi-Fi network.
Apple macOS
- Go to and download the macOS CHICAGOLAW print client installer
- The software should automatically decompress
- Double-click the “client-local-install” file, follow the prompts to complete the install
- Go to your Applications folder, Right-click the PCClient application and select Open
- Click Open on the warning box
- The application should show up in your dock
- By default this program will NOT start-up automatically on user login
- To set this program to start-up automatically, follow these steps
- Open System Preferences from the Apple menu
- Select Users & Groups
- Select your account, and go to the Login Items tab
- Click the + button and browse to locate the PCClient application
- The PCClient application should appear on the startup item list
- When the installation is complete a login box will appear asking for your username and password. Enter yourCHICAGOLAW credentials.
- If you would like the print client to remember your credentials, check the Remember my identity box.
- Please note that if you do check the “Remember my identity” box, the program will no longer ask for your credentials and all submitted print jobs to public law school printers WILL BE BILLED TO YOUR ACCOUNT.
**The print client installation is complete, but printers have to be manually added on each laptop.**
** The account used to install this software must have local administrator privileges.**
** If any UAC (User Account Control) boxes appear during install, select “ALLOW”.**
- Go to and download the Windows CHICAGOLAW print client installer
- The file should download to your Download folder
- Locate the download file named CHICAGOLAWPRINT, Right-click on the file and select Extract All
- Leave the default path unchanged, Make sure the Show extracted files when complete box is checked, Click the Extract button.
- Once the extraction completes, there are two files you need to install (Both part are REQUIRED)
- From folder PART 1, you should double-click on the only file in the folder “PapercutREQUIRED.reg”
- You may see a UAC prompt, at which point you should select YES
- A follow-up pop-up asks whether you want to continue to add the requested changes; select YES
- If addition was successful, follow-up box should appear; click OK
- From folder Part 2, double-click the “client-local-install.exe” file
- Once the setup screen appears, click Next
- Click the I accept the agreement button, Click the Next button
- Click the next two Next buttons
- Leave the checkmark next to Launch client and verify my identity and click Finish
- When the installation is complete, a login box will appear asking for your CHICAGOLAW credentials
- If you would like the print client to remember your credentials, check the Remember my identity box
- After installing the client, your computer MUST be rebooted.
- Reboot should be done before trying to map any print queues
Please note that if you do check the “Remember my identity” box, the program will no longer ask for your credentials and all submitted print jobs to public law school printers WILL BE BILLED TO YOUR ACCOUNT.
**The print client installation is complete, but printers have to be manually added on each laptop.**
Law School Printer Lists
Public Law Student - Apple macOS
Address: |
Queue: |
Name: | |
lib_prntr_pub01 |
2nd Floor Library Reserve Room Printer | |
lab_prntr_color |
3rd Floor Public Color Printer | |
3rd_prntr_pub01 |
3rd Floor Public Printer Pool | |
4th_prntr_pub01 |
4th Floor Public Kiosk Printer | |
5th_prntr_pub01 |
5th Floor Public Kiosk Printer | |
6th_prntr_pub01 |
6th Floor Public Kiosk Printer |
Public Law Student - Windows
Printer Name: |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.edulib_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.edulab_prntr_color |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.edu3rd_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.edu4th_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.edu5th_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.edu6th_prntr_pub01 |
Law Journals - Apple macOS
Address: |
Queue: |
Name: |
To be used by: | |
JRN_jrn_prntr_01 |
JRN_jrn_prntr_01 |
Shared printer for all journals | |
JRN_lawrev_prntr_02 |
JRN_lawrev_prntr_02 |
Lawreview ONLY | |
JRN_lawrev_prntr_03 |
JRN_lawrev_prntr_03 |
Lawreview ONLY | |
JRN_lforum_prntr_01 |
JRN_lforum_prntr_01 |
LegalForum ONLY |
Law Journals - Windows
Printer Name: |
To be used by: |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduJRN_jrn_prntr_01 |
Shared printer for all journals |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduJRN_lawrev_prntr_02 |
Lawreview ONLY |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduJRN_lawrev_prntr_03 |
Lawreview ONLY |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduJRN_lforum_prntr_01 |
LegalForum ONLY |
Law Research Assistant - Apple macOS
Address: |
Queue: |
Name: | |
RA_3rd_prntr_pub01 |
3rd Floor RA Printer Pool | |
RA_4th_prntr_pub01 |
4th Floor RA Kiosk Printer | |
RA_5th_prntr_pub01 |
5th Floor RA Kiosk Printer | |
RA_6th_prntr_pub01 |
6th Floor RA Kiosk Printer |
Law Research Assistant - Windows
Printer Name: |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduRA_3rd_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduRA_4th_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduRA_5th_prntr_pub01 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.eduRA_6th_prntr_pub01 |
Law Clinic Students - Apple macOS
Address: |
Queue: |
Name: | |
clk_prntr_06 |
Clinic 2nd Floor Printer (Print Room) | |
clk_prntr_09 |
Clinic 2nd Floor COLOR ONLY Printer (K211) | |
clk_prntr_10 |
Clinic 1st Floor Printer (K111) |
Law Clinic Students - Windows
Printer Name: |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.educlk_prntr_06 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.educlk_prntr_09 |
pubprint.chicagolaw.uchicago.educlk_prntr_10 |
Install a Printer
To install printers listed in this guide:
- Make sure your laptop is connected to the internet using the Law School’s wired or Wi-Fi network
- The Law School’s printers will NOT be available from other locations including other buildings on campus.
- Make sure to have the CHICAGOLAW print client installed on your laptop
- Instructions are earlier in this guide and the software can be downloaded from:
Apple macOS
- Open System Preferences from the Apple menu
- Open Print & Scan and click +
- You may need to select Add Printer or Scanner… from here
- A new window will appear, select the IP tab at the top
- On this tab there are four items to select or enter, Address, Protocol, Queue, and Name. Earlier in this guide, under the Law School Printer section, there are lists of printer names. Use the information from the appropriate list to complete this step.
- Under the Address field, enter the Address from the appropriate list
- Under Protocol, select Line Printer Daemon – LPD
- Under the Queue field, enter the Queue from the appropriate list
- Under the Name field, enter the Name from the appropriate list
- Once everything is properly entered, click Add to finalize the install
- [OPTIONAL] By default each printer will automatically select Generic PostScript Printer as the type of printer. Some advanced features of a printer may be unavailable when using the generic print driver. To learn more about these advanced features, see the Computer Lab Manager.
- The printer should now be listed under Print & Scan
Windows 10
- Click the Windows button in the Bottom-Right corner, Click the Settings button
- Click Devices
- Click Add a Printer or Scanner
- Click the “printer that I want isn’t listed” button
- Click Select a shared printer by name
- Under the Law School Printer section in this guide, there are lists of printer name. Use the information from the appropriate list to complete this step.
- Type in the Printer Name from the appropriate list in the field
- Click the Next button
- When a warning box appears named Do you trust this printer, select Install driver
- If you see any additional prompts stating that the installation will run as an administrator, select OK.
- Please wait a moment as the driver is downloaded and installed.
- Click Next through the next few windows. Click Finish to finalize the install.
- The printer should now be listed under Devices and Printers
Windows 8
- Move your mouse to the Bottom-Right corner, Click the Settings button
- Click Control Panel
- Click Devices and Printers
- Click the Add a printer button
- Click the ”printer that I want isn’t listed” button
- Click Select a shared printer by name
- Under the Law School Printer section in this guide, there are lists of printer name. Use the information from the appropriate list to complete this step.
- Type in the Printer Name from the appropriate list in the field
- Click the Next button
- When a warning box appears named Do you trust this printer, select Install driver
- If you see any additional prompts stating that the installation will run as an administrator, select OK.
- Please wait a moment as the driver is downloaded and installed.
- Click Next through the next few windows. Click Finish to finalize the install.
- The printer should now be listed under Devices and Printers
Windows 7
- Click the Start button
- Click Devices and Printers
- Click the Add a printer button
- Click the Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer, then hit the Next button
- Click Select a shared printer by name
- Under the Law School Printer section in this guide, there are lists of printer name. Use the information from the appropriate list to complete this step.
- Type in the Printer Name from the appropriate list in the field
- Click the Next button
- When a warning box appears named “Do you trust this printer?”, select Installdriver
- If you see any additional prompts stating that the installation will run as an administrator, select OK.
- Please wait a moment as the driver is downloaded and installed.
- Click Next through the next few windows. Click Finish to finalize the install.
- The printer should now be listed under Devices and Printers
If you have any further questions after reading this packet, please contact the HelpDesk at, by phone at 773.834.5300 or stop by in person in the third floor computer lab.
Software License
University Of Chicago Software Store
The Financial Mathematics program does not provide any software licenses to students. Software required for FinMath courses are available on lab computers.
Online Student Software Lab (vLab)
vLab is a remote desktop computing environment for students to use in their coursework. The environment includes Matlab, ArcGIS, SPSS, R, Stata, and Mathematica.
You must be on campus to use the vLab service. To access vLab from a computer, point a Remote Desktop client to: For Windows users, Remote Desktop Connection is part of the default Windows OS installation and is most often found in the Accessories area. MacOS users should download the application from the Mac App Store.
See the following article for a complete list of software available on vLab.
Site Licensed Software for Students
The University offers site licensed software for students, including Microsoft Office and Windows. See a complete list of software here.
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The University’s Licensing Office has made MATLAB available to enrolled students for free. The license comes with 48 MATLAB Toolboxes that you can find here. Once the license is provisioned, it expires on September 30th of that academic year. If you are a returning student in the fall, you can reapply for a license for the new academic year on October 1st, but not earlier.
Students may request a license here.
Since the academic license expires at the end of every academic year, you may want to purchase a student version of Matlab from MathWorks for $99 at, while you're a student. Please note that the student version does not contain all of the Matlab toolboxes that are available on FinMath lab computers. The additional toolboxes are available for purchase with a student discount at